Local Home Security Company vs. National: Why Choose Premier Security
Beyond the benefit of supporting a local Marietta, GA business, what makes Premier Security the better choice as a local home security company vs. national providers?
Here is six excellent reasons why Premier Security is better!
- Customer Service Area Specific– When a company is local, they are well familiar with the area. They can make better suggestions on the security needs of your neighborhood and specific crime details for that area.
Personalized Customer Experience – With a localized company, you’re more of a personalized customer than a number that could get lost in the system. We know a lot of our customers by name and connect on a personal level which ends up translating to a better professional experience for the customer. We take your concerns seriously and customer support from Premier Security is more reactive and tailored to match the customers every need.
Transparent Sales and Ownership – Many large companies rely on commission-based sales agents trying to get that desired long-term contract on a new home security system. Make sure to stick to your original plan and not allow aggressive tactics to pressure you into unnecessary and expensive add-ons. Check to see if your contract stays with them or if it might be sold to a third party. Verify if the equipment you are paying for is just being leased or will it be yours to keep. Premier Security provides all alarm monitoring options with no contract and our sales team provides informed security system options to fit your budget and needs on a new home security system and you always own the security system.
Cost-Effective Monitoring Rates – National security system companies monthly monitoring rates are expensive, sometimes 2-3 times more expensive than Premier Security’s monthly rate. What exactly are you getting for the additional monthly expense from the national company? A name brand from a national security company.
Faster Emergency Response – Large nationwide security companies usually have their own inhouse monitoring facilities. However, to minimize call volume from their thousands upon thousands of customers, they typically program their security panels to have a 30-90 second cancellation delay window in the event of an alarm triggered. With the correct code used within that 30-90 second window that alarm never travels forward to their central station. This minimizes operator load as well as false alarms from the end user’s premises. This is also called SIA compliance. Premier Security does not agree with this feature. It is a security risk if someone physically got to you within that 1st 30 second window of an alarm and forced you to turn the system off. No signal would ever go forward to the central station resulting in no emergency response from the police. Premier Security does not program a cancelation window on our security system panels. Our operators call every time looking for a password to cancel a potential false alarm. Georgia law requires two numbers contacted prior to dispatch; this inherently minimizes false alarms. With the advent of affordable video options integrated into security systems that are instantaneously live, false alarms can be verified quickly without wasting emergency personal resources. Our policy at Premier Security is, if you have a real emergency, a 30 second window is too long of a time to wait for signaling to start, we call immediately with our local UL alarm monitoring facility for faster response.
- Easier and More Convenient Service and Repair Calls – When your security provider is local, so is all of your security provider’s staff and technicians. As a local company servicing its customers, Premier Security technicians can repair and service customer’s security systems same or next day. Nationwide security companies often have to schedule repairs and service on their customers up to three weeks out due to total customer load.
There is definite advantages on choosing a local company vs. national company and we hope to see you as a customer of Premier Security Inc.
If you’re looking for a local home security system company you can trust, you’ve come to the right place.
Call Premier Security today! 770-217-0670