Helping Protect Your Homes Valuables

Person views surveillance footage of a home interior on a tablet, demonstrating the importance of helping protect your home valuables with security cameras. Various security devices and office supplies are visible on the desk.

Effective Tips for Helping Protect Your Home Valuables from Burglars

Helping protect your home valuables starts with understanding how and when burglaries occur. By taking proactive steps to secure your most cherished items, you can stay one step ahead of potential intruders.

Did you know that 65% of home burglaries happen between the hours of 6am and 6pm with the highest occurrences happening between 10am and 3pm!

34% of home invasions happen with entry through the front door and the burglars head straight for your master bedroom.

Why? This is where we keep our jewelry, our safes, and cash. If you have these items in your master bedroom we suggest removing them to a harder to get to area. Attics, crawl spaces, kitchen cabinets are all better areas to hide your valuables because of the hard to get to location. The goal of a home invasion is to “Smash and Grab”. Ensuring your valuables are not easy to access or in the wide open will help in the event you are broken into.

Please contact us with any questions you may have or to start new service at your home in Atlanta, Georgia. Call 770-217-0670 ext 100 today!

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